It All Began Right Here In St. Louis
The Society was introduced into the United States in St. Louis, in 1845 at the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France, popularly called “The Old Cathedral”. An American Vincentian priest brought copies of the Rule of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul back from Ireland to St. Louis. With the assistance of Bishop Peter Richard Kenrick the Society was able to hold its first meeting in the United States on November 20, 1845, only twelve years after its foundation in Paris. Since its beginning the Society has continued to grow. At the present time there are more than 3,000 active Vincentians in St Louis, and 144 Parish Conferences.
The National Council
The National Office is located in St. Louis and formulates policies and programs that are implemented by Councils and Conferences throughout the United States. Some of these programs include an automobile donation program and the annual Walk For The Poor. With the guidance of the National Office, the Society has taken a leading role in providing disaster relief during national natural disaster emergencies.
At present there are more than 150,000 active Vincentians in the United States, in 81 Diocesan Councils, 80 District Councils and 4,500 Parish Conferences. For more information about the St. Louis Council visit svdpstlouisorg and to learn more about the National Council visit
Watch The Movie “Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul”
Click below for a 90-minute movie based on the TV series “Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul.” The program follows SVdP members on their spiritual growth journey through service to people and families in need. From the Society’s traditional assistance with food, rent and utilities to innovative health care, education and mentoring programs, the Society’s members, known as Vincentians, see the face of Christ in the people they encounter.
Click here to watch the movie.