Sign up for a Holy Hour in our new Perpetual Adoration Chapel beginning on May 1st, 2024!
Click here to sign up.
How to sign up:
1. Visit the link above, you should see a calendar view of available times
2. Click the time slot you want to sign up for.
3. If you are not signed in or need to create an account, click "Please Sign Up" on the pop-up screen
4. Create your account with your name and email information and choose the best times you are most available if you want to be a substitute.
5. Once you created an account it will want you to confirm the time you selected, the frequency, and when and how you would like to be notified before your Adoration commitment
6. If you want to sign up for more hours or cancel your commitment, log in and click "My Dash Board"
Eucharistic Adoration is spending time with Jesus Christ who is truly present, Body, Blood and Soul in the Holy Eucharist. The consecrated Host is displayed in a holder called a monstrance for adoration.
Who can come?
Everyone is welcome to come before Our Lord Jesus Christ during Eucharistic Adoration. Bring your children, they are our future adorers. Jesus said “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them: for such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 19:14) Invite family, neighbors and friends to join you. Your joy with the Lord may be what others are looking for.
How long must I stay?
There is no set amount of time that one must stay at Adoration. Please feel welcome to drop-in to say a quick hello to Jesus. Do not underestimate the graces that will come from any visit.
What does it mean to be a faithful adorer?
Faithful adorers commit to adoring for an hour or more once or twice a month. This is crucial since Christ displayed in the monstrance must never be left alone. These adorers enable Eucharistic exposition for any and all persons wanting to make a shorter visit to the Lord.
How are faithful adorers hours scheduled and how long is the commitment for?
Each adorer determines which hour is best for him or her. We never assign hours to anyone. An hour that fits you well will help you keep your commitment. You can sign up at any time. Once a year after Easter all faithful adorers are contacted and invited to prayerfully consider committing to Adoration for the year. Hopefully, it will be for a long time.
Can I change my hour?
Yes. People move and some people just want or need a different time. Please contact one of the Monday Captains and they will take care of it for you.
What happens if the person scheduled after me does not show up?
If you are willing to stay, you are welcome to stay. If you need to leave, please phone the Captain assigned to that particular Monday. As a last resort, you can also call the rectory.
What benefit is Adoration to me?
Spending time with Jesus leads us in the direction to holiness. He is with us in our joys and sufferings. While He never promised to take away suffering, He did promise to be with us during difficult times. As we spend time with Jesus we come to trust and rely on Him more and more.
How do I spend my Hour at Adoration? What should I do while I’m there?
Let the Holy Spirit guide you. This is your personal time with Jesus. There are no set prayers. After entering church, genuflect on one knee or two, if you cannot genuflect a simple bow. You may offer a prayer of Adoration to begin your Holy Hour. You may sit or kneel. Spend this time contemplating that you are in the presence of God. Converse with Him. You can read available spiritual books, pray the rosary or spend time just talking with Jesus. There are blessed rosaries on the table and a variety of reading materials for your convenience.
Special Intentions and Prayer Petitions
You may desire to offer your Holy Hour for a special intention. Spiritual Bouquet cards are available on the table that you may send to whomever you are praying for. Prayer Petitions can be made by writing them on the “Prayer Petition” page in one of the Sign-In books. Petitions entered with a person’s name in need of healing are submitted to the MQP Prayer Ministry for continued prayer by its’ Prayer Ministers.
What happens if I am sick or on vacation and cannot make my scheduled hour?
Please contact one of the Monday Captains as soon as possible. That person will draw from a list of substitutes on the Rescue Team to locate a person who will fill in for you.
I don’t know if I can commit to a certain hour right now. How else can I get involved?
You can add your name to be a substitute on the Adoration Rescue Team. If one is needed, you will be notified by a Monday Captain requesting help. If you are interested in signing up for the Team and for added information, please call one of the Monday Captains. And of course Adoration is always open so even if you are not signed up, come and spent time with the Lord.