Mary Queen of Peace Parish receives the majority of our financial support through offertory contributions. God has blessed us in multiple ways, and we are called to share these blessings with others. We offer our prayers, we participate in the Eucharist and in acts of service, and we share our gifts with our community and our parish. Our parish relies on our generosity. Just as running up a credit card leads to financial trouble for families, as a parish we cannot continue to dip into savings to cover everyday bills. Consider establishing a donation through Online Giving, and make it a habit. Set it up for a consistent amount and you can change the quantity or add special contributions at any time. Pay by debit, credit card or bank account. There is no easier way to make a difference in the financial future of our parish.
Click on the Online Giving icon below to set up your contribution or to find specific funds.
If you have any questions regarding offertory options, please contact the Sue O'Leary, Business Manager at the Parish Office at 962-2311 or by email [email protected]