The St. Vincent de Paul Society is organized into “conferences,”
or all-volunteer neighborhood support groups supported by
regional Councils. Mary Queen of Peace is one of the most active
of the 140 Conferences served by the St. Louis Council.
The Role of a MQP Vincentian
Our MQP Council members, know as “Vincentians”, serve our
Neighbor’s In Need (NIN’s) through prayers, friendship, financial
support, and by providing community resource information and
guidance to those experiencing situational and/or generational poverty and other lifelong challenges.
Our Sister Parish Our Lady of Guadalupe
As God has blessed us with few families in our parish that need emergency assistance, we have partnered with our sister parish, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Ferguson.
How We Support Our Neighbors In Need
The most common forms of support are food and payment of utility bills, rent, and mortgages. We also help with car and home repairs, medical bills and equipment, prescriptions, appliances, tuition, taxes, and other critical expenses. In addition, we provide vouchers for food, furniture, and clothing
In a typical year, total cash and in kind aid exceeds $100,000, and we assist hundreds of people in need. Most of our funds come from donations by members of our parish and our other ministries for which we are most grateful.
Interested parishioners are welcome to join the Society at any time.
Meetings are held most Mondays in the Lubeley Room at 7:15 pm.